George, Terrie, Heather, Josh, Angel, Daniel

Friday, July 28, 2017


It is almost August and I have it. Back to school fever. Yep, the kids are groaning. They don’t want summer break to be over.

 But I am ready to get them back in a routine, ready to start new goals, ready to make a difference. That is my prayer, to make a difference. Not jut academically but spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally.

Homeschooling is much more than teaching them the abc’s. We are preparing them for life, equipping them for the journey. I want to encourage you (and myself) to think about the journey. Don’t get so over whelmed in the lesson plans that you loose sight of what we are really trying to do (yes, I am speaking to myself here!)

 We are trying to raise children to be responsible adults. Adults that care about others and make a difference! Adults that give to society and make an impact for good and right. We want them to be hard workers, have moral characters, show love and kindness.

 As we get ready to continue our walk through what we call homeschooling lets try to remember that we are shaping lives. Lets remember to love and encourage each other along the way.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Sometimes it is better to be kind than to be right!

Sometimes it is better to be kind than to be right.

I read this quote last week and it really spoke to my heart. How many times do we have to have the last word? We want to prove that we were right. Yes, sir, I told you so! See, I was right!

Now I am not talking about life or death situations here. I am not talking about moral or spiritual choices. I am talking about the little things, the daily situations that arise between us and our spouse, or our children. We know we are right and we will go to great lengths and lectures to prove it.

Maybe instead we should just smile and go on. Maybe taking the opportunity to be kind is better. I know I get in lecture mode sometimes and does this really teach my children to think of others? Does this teach them to listen and really care?

I feel that the Lord used this quote to make me try to be a better, more humble person. This is a very short blog entry but I feel it is powerful. What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, May 23, 2017



In this day of terrorist attacks,destruction, and death, it is easy to get over whelmed. The news is almost all bad. I was reminded yesterday of simple pleasures.

As I sat out side watching the kids swim, I thought about what life is. My youngest granddaughter was in the pool giggling. For some reason this child’s giggles always make me smile. It blesses my heart to hear her simply enjoying life. Her giggles are light and bubbly and let me know that she is content and happy.

Life is what we make it. Yes, we have struggles and heartaches but we can always be thankful. Their are many problems in the world today and if I let myself think on them I would be an unsettled bundle of nerves all the time. But I remember that God is in control and I don’t have to solve the worlds problems. My job is to teach and watch these three young ones who are enjoying life with out a care.

I didn’t feel well as I sat watching them and would rather have been inside since the day was actually cool and damp and my throat was hurting. But I ended up with a blessing as they enjoyed their time in the pool.

Life is brief and all too soon they are grown. I am thankful to God for giving me the time to be an example to these three. As you go through your day, take pleasure in the little things. They are really what is important.

Friday, May 19, 2017



The most important things in life are not things. They are people. People matter,people hurt, people feel, people care, people need love. Unconditional love is what Jesus gave to us when he died on the cross for our sins. The closest I can come to understanding that fully is a mother’s love for a child. We love them when they cry, we love then when they are mean, we love them when they reject us and treat us unkind.Just as Christ’s love for us leads to our salvation, our love for a child can have long lasting effects that we may never see. 

As a mom with no sleep and piles of laundry and so many pulling at us for something, we often feel we have no more to give. But the kind word, a smile, a loving pat on the shoulder or a nice hug can mean so much. When the teacher’s lesson is not going as planned, when the church kids are dirty and smart mouthed, when everything seems wrong tell them you love them.

 I have had the privilege of working with children in the church setting for many years. I would often tell them I loved them and was glad they came. Sometimes they needed a hug and even though the church has a “no touch” policy, you hug them. Knowing that hug might be the only one they get this week or even this month.

 Keep on keeping on for the sake of the children. Whether in church, in your home school, or where ever, don’t let Satan drag you down. He will tell you you are defeated, the kids aren't listening and you're not good enough to be an influence. Those are lies. You may never know the impact you may have on a child until years later or never! 

Smiles are contagious.Sometimes it is all the encouragement that someone needs. Even the most unruly child or the grumpiest adult will respond positively to a genuine smile. Giving a smile costs us nothing but to someone it may be a great fortune. It shows you care!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

ADHD part 2

ADHD part 2

How can a child who constantly makes noise and is told a hundred times a day to “use your INSIDE voice” be bothered by a tiny buzzing? I can’t understand the constant distractions that go on in a child’s mind with special needs. Their inability to focus one minute and the the next minute they are so focused on something that they don’t hear your voice. Truly they are wired different.

I can’t understand but I can be compassionate. I can make a choice to be aware of their needs and be kind. I can be my child’s advocate against a world that is cruel and wants to fit them in the mold. I get tired and frustrated many times dealing with my child’s needs. But they are his NEEDS. Just a s a diabetic cannot control the fact that he has diabetes, neither can a child with ADHD, Aspherges, Austism, etc. control their disability.

It is not their fault. It is not my fault as a parent. It is not a discipline issue! My advice is to research your child’s disability. Find a doctor you can trust to trust you as the caregiver. But most of all trust your gut. You are the child’s parent and you know how and when they learn best. You will find some friends and family members to help and encourage you but many of them will not understand! Your child does not have to fit the mold. They are fearfully and wonderfully made by God and He makes no mistakes!

I ask my son who is 11 to vacuum and he went and put on noise canceling head phones before he did. OK? The vacuum is not near as loud as he is? We have know idea of the simple things that bombard their brains. Little things that make them uncomfortable and scared.

This BBC video is so simple but speaks volumes. Please watch and be encouraged!

Saturday, April 29, 2017


My youngest son has ADHD. At times this has been a struggle for our entire family. His unpredictable moods and struggles catch us all off guard at times and are frustrating. His constant motion and/or humming are often irritating. I have answered the question "why does he do that" many times. I have seen strangers and friends criticize our discipline or as they think our lack of it.

Children with special needs have to be dealt with in special ways. They don't always react or 
understand they same as other people. They need extra time to think and absorb a command or request.Change and interruptions can be devastating. Much love ,patience, and kindness is needed to help these children. But isn't that what we all need? Love,kindness and patience? The world would be a much better place if we stopped putting each other in a mold and realized that we are all different. 

We are all special to the Creator.Walk a mile in their shoes and then give me your advice.I am so touched and thankful when someone does understand and care. This poem was a post that my daughter put on face book this week. I cried as I read it because she gets it! She understands and cares what her brother goes through each day.Thank you Heather Spears!

 If you have or work with a special needs child, be encouraged! They are a GIFT from GOD!

My brother, Daniel has ADHD. I love you kiddo.
Take my hand and come with me,
I want to teach you about ADHD.
I need you to know, I want to explain,
I have a very different brain.
Sights, sounds, and thoughts collide.
What to do first? I can't decide.
Please understand I'm not to blame,
I just can't process things the same.
Take my hand and walk with me,
Let me show you about ADHD.
I try to behave, I want to be good,
But I sometimes forget to do as I should.
Walk with me and wear my shoes,
You'll see its not the way I'd choose.
I do know what I'm supposed to do,
But my brain is slow getting the message through.
Take my hand and talk with me,
I want to tell you about ADHD.
I rarely think before I talk,
I often run when I should walk.
It's hard to get my school work done,
My thoughts are outside having fun.
I never know just where to start,
I think with my feelings and see with my heart.
Take my hand and stand by me,
I need you to know about ADHD.
It's hard to explain but I want you to know,
I can't help letting my feelings show.
Sometimes I'm angry, jealous, or sad.
I feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and mad.
I can't concentrate and I lose all my stuff.
I try really hard but it's never enough.
Take my hand and learn with me,
We need to know more about ADHD.
I worry a lot about getting things wrong,
Everything I do takes twice as long.
Everyday is exhausting for me...
Looking through the fog of ADHD.
I'm often so misunderstood,
I would change in a heartbeat if I could.
Take my hand and listen to me,
I want to share a secret about ADHD.
I want you to know there is more to me.
I'm not defined by it, you see.
I'm sensitive, kind and lots of fun.
I'm blamed for things I haven't done.
I'm the loyalist friend you'll ever know,
I just need a chance to let it show.
Take my hand and look at me,
Just forget about the ADHD.
I have real feelings just like you.
The love in my heart is just as true.
I may have a brain that can never rest,
But please understand I'm trying my best.
I want you to know, I need you to see,
I'm more than the label, I am still me!!!!
~Author Unknown

Monday, April 24, 2017

The missing puzzle piece!


I enjoy jigsaw puzzles once in a while. We spend hours looking for that one piece that is a perfect match. The piece has to fit on all sides, each angle and indent matching. If we try to fit another piece in that spot it doesn’t work. We can try pushing and turning the piece but it will not fit.

As Mothers ,homeschoolers, teachers etc. we often try to make our child “FIT”. Our children, as well as we ourselves, were made by God and have a unique purpose. We fit in a special place. I read a quote that talked about each of us fitting in someone else’s life. With out that puzzle piece (us) that person's life will not be complete.

This speaks to me in two ways, The first being that we need to teach and guide our children without trying to make them something they are not. They each have special and unique talents, attitudes, and abilities given them by God. We cannot and should not try to make them "fit".

I have been actively homeschooling for 25 years. My four children and 2 grandchildren are all different. They learn differently, they help in different ways, they have different character qualities, and respond differently. As their mother/teacher I need to teach and guide them in ways that they understand. This is not always easy! They are all different! It seems like just as we get comfortable with one teaching style we have to change things up! Be patient, (I am speaking to myself), be kind, let them be who they are.

 My homeschool day looks so different now with my youngest son(who has ADHD) and two granddaughters, than when I began teaching my oldest daughter 25 years ago! But that is okay!

Secondly, I realize that I too am a puzzle piece. God has placed me in peoples lives for a reason. I may not always know the reason. We may never know the impact we have on someone else. A smile,a pat on the back,or encouraging words may be just what the child in your church class, the young mother, or visitor at church  needs. Don’t underestimate the impact you can make in someone’s life. We here the phrase “Bloom where you are Planted”. Take time to be that mother, teacher, friend, neighbor or spouse that God has called you to be.

Phil. 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Life's Quilt

I haven't written in my blog for a couple weeks now and was thinking on what God would want me to write. I started this blog to be an encouragement to others  and  Satan often tells me that I have nothing to say. What do I write about?  It seems like a jumble of different things that come up in life.

 That is when I realized that our life is like a quilt. Many pieces cut up just to be sewn back together. O the beauty that comes from the finished product. Why? Why cut up fabric just to sew it back together? I am not a quilter, but I sure admire those who are. They have a vision as to how the finished project will look. That is how God sees our lives. He sees that finished project when often we only see bits and pieces. We see the knots and strings, and mistakes, but when He puts it together,  it is a wonderful creation of beauty. 

I think of the pieces of my quilt. God,family,friends,adoption,homeschooling,church, and many more. Through God's Grace these pieces are fitting together to make my life. I want to share my stories with you! 

How can I encourage you. my reader? What would you like me to write about? Please leave me a comment as to how I can be an encouragement to you. Sometimes we just need to hear from others who have been there. As we search each day to do what is right, remember our quilt is being put together, piece by piece. Be patient, the end result will be breath taking!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

At a Crossroad March 11,2017

Are you standing at a crossroads wondering which road you should take? I hate making decisions. We have to make them everyday.Some can be planned ahead,(using your  to do list). What to  make for dinner, what science unit to do next, and so on can be planned in your planner. This helps with decision fatigue as I discussed in my last entry. I am still trying to get the hang of using my bullet journal-not quite there yet, but it is a work in progress. I would still love to hear what kind of planner you use. I changed some settings on my blog and everyone should easily be able to leave a comment now.

Many people use a GPS. Some times they lead you astray. As Christians the Bible is our GPS. When we are at the crossroads trying to figure out which way to go use your Bible. It will NEVER lead you astray!

 This week my husband, son, and I made a hospital visit to try to be a blessing to someone. Hospital visits are never in our daily schedule. They are not usually on our to do list. They interfere in the plan, and take time.

Maybe the first thing on our to do list should be to be a blessing. Maybe we would look at our day differently. Instead of seeing things as an interruption, maybe we would see them as an opportunity to be a blessing. We are all busy, our lives are full, but are we a blessing to others? I am speaking to myself here. I get wrapped up in my lesson plans and "things" I need to do. But the most important "things" in life are NOT "things".

I think back many years ago to another hospital visit we made, taking our kids with us, so they could learn to love and care about the needs of others. I came away from that visit feeling so blessed. I had went to be a blessing, but I was the one blessed. I had that same feeling this week as my husband and son and I went to visit a friend in the hospital. I lectured my son on the way in about how we needed to be a blessing to others.

As we left both these visits, many years apart, I realized I had received a blessing. This week I listened to my son pray for the person we had visited with true concern. Again "I" was blessed.

So when we are at the crossroads, making a decision, think about what God would want us to do. Maybe we should think" WWJD" more often, I know I should.

This song sums up my thoughts:


Are you standing
At a crossroad
Wondering which road you should take
And you're dreading
The decision
And a possible mistake
But the will of God won't lead you
Where the grace of God can't keep you
You will never be out of His care
Remember that the Lord's already there

Wherever you are
Wherever you're going
God is right there beside you
Seeing and knowing
Wherever you go
He already knows
What lies ahead and what's behind
You'll always find He's never too far
From wherever you are

You are waiting
To hear thunder
And see lightening in the sky
Oh, but God can
Work His wonders
Through a still small voice inside
Just keep listening and learning
And continue on your journey
Following the One who is the way
He's the only road you need to take

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Are you planning? March 2017

As a home school mom I am a planner. I actually LOVE to plan. To me planning is half the fun of actually doing. Getting ready for vacation, a new school year, a party, or family get together is always exciting. Pick a theme, try new recipes, pack, research or whatever leads up to the event is part of the fun. I do procrastinate too at times but it goes against my nature. I do admire spur of the moment people and we all need to be more flexible at times.

How do you plan? To do lists, bullet journals,happy planners,management binders,digital apps,calendars, and on and on and on!!! I love them all. LOL. I like things fun ad creative too, scrap booking, stamping, doodling,clip art...........

I am trying to be more organized and more "clutter free" in 2017, Last year I put together some Home Management binders and have been pleased with the results. Mine are simple  school type 1 or 2 inch 3 ring binders designated to certain areas. I have a medical binder, bank binder, home management binder, and address/holiday binder Each binder contains  the information needed for our family and  is clearly set up so any family member can go to these binders and get the information needed with out mom having to go get it for everyone. This is a great help during an emergency like a hospital stay or the loss of a wallet while on vacation. Information and phone numbers that may be needed can be accessed and relayed easily.

I also have my school calendar binder with home school logs,schedules, etc. This helps to see at a glance how our school year is going and what has been accomplished as well as field trips, reading logs, test results, etc. Another binder I want to do is a Blessings Binder, but I may incorporate that into my daily journal.

With the busy days we lead I also need a too do list. I don't always use one, but I need too. I read that it actually helps with brain fatigue if you write it down. Once written down your brain doesn't have to "worry" about trying not to forget to do it.Meal planning and even clothes organization (putting outfits together) help with brain fatigue-so I hear, I haven't gotten that far yet.

I want to put together a notebook for my Daily Journal". I want it to be a combination of a to do list,bullet journal,planner. Their are some neat you tube videos on these , You can get as  creative or simple as you want. It can be done with any notebook of your choosing, something you already have. It is not something that you have to go out and buy. Use what you have! If you want a creative touch dig out the gel pens, stickers, card stock etc.

As I am working to put mine together, I would love to hear from you. What kind of planner do you use? What works or doesn't  for you? Did it help you?  Please leave me a comment with you thoughts!

Happy Planning!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Dear Birth Mother Feb. 21, 2017

Dear Birth Mother,

Today is my oldest son’s 22nd birthday. As all moms do, I think back to the day he was born. What a wonderful blessing from God.You were prayed for and loved long before you were conceived. He is such a wonderful young man who loves God and is secure in who he is! He is a blessing to so many.

All children are gifts from god, but there is something special about the gift of adoption. I look at my four children, from four different birth mothers and I can see how God put us together. My children look more alike than many biological siblings!

Today I want to thank all birth mothers and birth fathers out there. You will probably never know the joy you have brought to others.Abortion is easy, adoption is hard. But you loved enough to give. By giving a child life you gave hope and joy to many who would other wise not know what it is to be a parent. Only those who have longed for a baby know what a special gift this is.

To the four special birth mother’s who were part of our adoptions I would like to say, we love you!
I want to thank you for being part of God’s plan to make me a mom, the biggest blessing of my life! Their are not enough words to describe the extraordinary gift you have given us!

To those thinking about adopting, do it! I am working on a book about our adoption experiences. Adoption  is the most wonderful thing a person can experience from all sides. What a blessing to love and be loved! Trust God to give you children.

Just as some pregnancies end in miscarriage, some adoptions fall through. Both bring heartaches. But look at how most pregnancies/adoptions turn out! The overflowing bliss of parenthood is mine. Thank you God, Thank you birth parents!

Friday, February 17, 2017

A Magnifying glass and a Mirror 2-17-17

I am not a fan of television evangelists. I am also not a morning person. Last week I had to be up very early one morning to head to a doctor's appointment.While my husband went cheerfully off to milk the cow (he IS a morning person) I flipped on the TV to try to get myself awake.

 Some  young preacher, who I had never heard of was on. He was taking about things we focus on. He was doing an object lesson which appealed to the teacher in me. He had a magnifying glass and was talking about how we can make things bigger than they are. Yep, we do that! At least I do.

 We dwell on things, we point out others sins, we make a big deal of little things. We especially magnify faults of others! Then he took out a mirror, Uh OH. We are not as quick to examine ourselves and our faults! This certainly was a good lesson! We need to spend more time looking in the mirror.

As we work with our children, our family, our friends and all those round us, lets not be too quick to magnify their faults. We nee to encourage the positive. My youngest son who has ADHD   responds so much better to positive reinforcement. Pointing out the good  helps him work on his problem areas without total frustration and meltdowns. Being patient and loving with him helps keep him calm and moving in the right direction.

 It is a challenge many days for me not to get very frustrated and magnify all his little quirks in a negative way. But God made him who he is and he is so talented in many areas. We all have weak areas and do we really need others holding up a magnifying glass and showing them to us constantly? No, what we need is prayer and support to become what God wants us to be.

So the next time we want to look at others in an unloving way, maybe we should look in the mirror instead. Please pray for me as I try to do this in my life. I want to encourage not discourage.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Feb.9th, 2017 PRONE TO WANDER


It is so easy to get discouraged. I tend to be an optimist, the glass is half FULL! But days come when it is so easy to fall prey to discouragement and self pity. I hate self pity, but I am only human. Yesterday was one of those days.I love the Lord and I love my family. I am so thankful for all the blessings I have. I don’t like to complain and spend a lot in our home school teaching about it! The Isrealites are mentioned often at our home school table.

Many of you know that I have been having repeated health problems over the last couple of years. I generally try not to let these hurdles get me down. I feel guilty when I hear of others who have it so much worse. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit reminding me that God is in control even when my heart is prone to wander from the God I love, O for grace to trust Him more!

The hymn describes it:

Come thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise

teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above

praise the Mount I'm fixed upon it
Mount of Thy redeeming love

Here I raise my Ebenezer
Hither by Thy help I come
and I hope by Thy good pleasure
Safely to arrive at home

Jesus, sought me when a stranger
Wondering from the fold of God
He, to rescue me from danger
Interposed His precious blood

So to grace, how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be
And let Thy goodness like a fetter
Bind my wandering heart to Thee

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
Prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above

Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above

So when you get discouraged know that it is okay, but don’t stay there too long. Tis so sweet to trust in JESUS!

Friday, February 3, 2017

What are we teaching them? 2-3-17


As a home school mom I am always thinking of ways to teach my children. God tells us to teach them by the way….
Duet. 6:5-7 
5And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. 6And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: 7And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up .

The important things we teach our children are not necessarily math,reading history, etc. I have always joked that we are too busy “doing school” to learn anything. It is true as people in general that we are “too busy”.

We have been talking a lot in this blog about what is important, what is precious, and to not take them for granted. We are not promised tomorrow.

So what are we teaching them? They may be our children or grandchildren, or the neighbors children, or our church children. You might be thinking that you aren’t “TEACHING” any one, but you are! The way we live our lives teaches many things about us to many people. We teach by example. I have heard it said that we may be the only “Bible” some people see. In other words, our actions and words may be the only look at Christ that some people see. That is a scary thought!! Many times what my kids and others see in me is not Christlike! The people we deal with day to day see us in our struggles, sickness, bad moods and all.

When we think no one is looking someone is! And it is not always your three year old who tells on you at the grocery checkout! Once, many years ago, a neighbor came to us to see if anything was wrong. They knew we went to church on Sunday and Wednesdays and had not seen us leave the house all week. Our family had had the flu that week and indeed did not go anywhere. Little did we know that our neighbors were “watching” us. Apparently we were teaching them something through our actions, even though we were not aware of it.

We often think about the example we are to those that are close to us. But people that we are not even aware of watch us. Of course God knows our true motives and our heart desires, but others only know what we tell them, in words or ACTIONS.

As that homeschooling mom who is always trying to get another lesson done, I need to step back and remember what is really important. Kindness, compassion, seeing other’s needs are some of the things we need to teach. We may not get that long division lesson done that we prepared, we may not get the house spotless (we definitely won’t get that done here LOL) but we can stop and take a moment to teach a lesson of the heart. I say this to myself as much as to anyone. I am a lover of lesson plans and organization! It rarely works out like I planned, but that’s okay. As long as it works out as God has planned, I know we’ll be okay!

So love Jesus, put on your rose colored glasses, tell them you love them, and praise God.

Monday, January 30, 2017


Praising God in times of trouble 1-30-17

This was the title of our Sunday School lesson yesterday. I needed this reminder.Trouble comes, frustration mounts, we don”t understand why things happen, but God does. I don’t understand why, but God does. Proverbs 3:5-7 explains it all.

 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.

He will direct our paths and the paths of the ones we love. Even in the hard times, God is there. He was there for Joseph and David and Hannah and He will be there for us and those we love. As we trust God, be what you need to be for others in your life. Count your blessings!

This comes to my mind today:

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tell them you love them...NOW

Tell them you love them...NOW!!

We are not promised tomorrow. I was so sadly reminded of this a few days ago. I found out that a sweet friend of mine had died. She died at age 47! She was health conscience, not over weight, and was the director of our local 911 office!!! Her job was saving lives, training people to save lives,preparing people for emergencies. My husband had just played Santa Clause for her grandchildren a month ago. She had a massive heart attack and was gone.

We all have people in our lives that we love. Tell them you love them...NOW, and often. I tell my children, parents and dear friends I love them often. If you are reading this, I love you! God loves you!

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The theme of this blog is children. I love children-all children. Tell them you love them. Tell the kids that come to church on the church bus, with the dirty shoes, that they are loved.Tell the fussy child in your class, the trouble maker in Sunday School, and the neighbor’s kids that you love them. They may not hear that from anyone else.

People are important, not things. Our lives can change in an instant, and if they do what will you count as important? If you have a loved one who is sick or hurt and in the hospital, I can assure you that your only thoughts will be on that person getting well.

Yes, we are all busy and have things to do but take time for those you love. You may be a mom of toddlers whose days seem to never end. You may be that homeschool mom who wonders “why on Earth” did she keep her kids home from school. What ever situation that you are in, step back,remember what is really important and tell them you love them...NOW!

Friday, January 20, 2017



As a mama my heart is full. My oldest son and his fiance left this morning to return to college for their last semester before they graduate. My son’s fiance’s parents were here as well and left today. I am blessed to call them friends. Josh and Rebecca will be married this summer and I am gaining a wonderful, godly daughter in law as well as her Godly parents.God is so good. Over Christmas break we were able to have a wedding shower for Josh and Rebecca

 Since they will be married in another state, many of our friends and family will not be able to attend the wedding. The shower was a chance for Josh’s friends and family to wish him well. As different people spoke at the shower giving Josh and Becca well wishes and words of wisdom, I was humbled. God is so gracious and puts the right people and opportunities in our and our children’s lives. As we raise our children and try to give them the right schooling and have them around people who will be a Godly influence in their lives, we often think we have failed.

 Even when we can’t image how God works it all out, He does. I am so thankful that ultimately God is in control of all things, even when we don’t think we are being the parents that our child needs. As I look at the children that God has let us raise, I am in awe. Today is January 20, 2017. As I pray for my son and future daughter in law as they drive south to finish one chapter in their lives, and I watch the Presidential Inauguration on television, the hymn that comes to mind is: THE WONDER OF IT ALL..

Wonder Of It All

George Beverly Shea

There's the wonder of sunset at evening,
The wonder as sunrise I see;
But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
Is the wonder that God loves me.

O, the wonder of it all! The wonder of it all!
Just to think that God loves me.
O, the wonder of it all! The wonder of it all!
Just to think that God loves me.

There's the wonder of springtime and harvest,
The sky, the stars, the sun;
But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
Is a wonder that's only begun.

O, the wonder of it all! The wonder of it all!
Just to think that God loves me.
O, the wonder of it all! The wonder of it all!
Just to think that God loves me.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


Looking back to my early christian life, just after I was saved, I can see that I wore “rose colored glasses”. The definition of rose colored glasses is to have an optimistic outlook. Be positive, see the cup half full not half empty.

  Every christian should wear them. They make you look at everything and everyone one in a different light.Kind of like innocent until proven guilty. They help us overlook remarks and actions of others that could hurt us and make us bitter. Oh the joys of being a babe in Christ. What you don’t know doesn’t hurt you is a good way to think about it.(Disclaimer-This does not mean we overlook harmful or dangerous situations.) Everyone’s motives are pure and nobody gets hurt. Everyone means well and is honest-or so the glasses make you think so.

 But shouldn’t we give everyone the benefit of the doubt? We are so ready to accuse and tear down each other. We assume the worst and stick with it! We as Christians are all “sinners saved by grace”. We act worse than the world sometimes and are crueler than they are. Maybe today if we wore those Rose Colored Glasses we would be a better person.

 We all have faults, we are human,we make mistakes. Can we forgive and forget? With the attitude of the glasses we can. God gives us grace and mercy unlimited! Maybe if we put on the glasses we could have some unconditional love. We could overlook being overlooked, or not spoken to, or not included. We are so childish at times. Life is hard at times, but our kind attitude can make a difference.

 Put on the rose colored glasses. Don’t be like the world. We are pilgrims passing through, we are not of this land.This is not to say we should overlook  sin. Sin has to be addressed and dealt with.

We don’t hold a grudge when our toddler hits us, interrupts, ruins our plans, and is down right mean and rude. We have compassion and love them still. It is not so easy to do with adults that treat us that way. But with God all things are possible. The (our attitude) glasses bring back our kindness,forgiveness,compassion,honesty, and gentleness. Choose to wear yours!

If you don't know for sure that you will go to Heaven when you die, please read my last blog: My Jesus I Love Thee.

Thursday, January 5, 2017



To start 2017 right I have to share the most important thing in life. That is salvation. Salvation is a free gift from God through Jesus Christ. In this blog, I want to share with you the many stories of how God has blessed me. My marriage, children, family, friends,church, and so much more.

The most important thing that has happened in my life is getting saved - giving my life to Jesus. I had always known who Jesus was, just like I knew who George Washington was. History figures stored away in my mind.I always believed that God existed, But I did not have a relationship with him until 1991.

Our first baby was 3 years old, and she needed to be in church! We had to go to take her, we certainly wouldn’t let her out of our sight. God had given her to us, we knew that for sure. As we began attending church (because it was right for our 3 year old) we heard God’s message.

 God didn’t just die on the cross, he did it for me! To live forever in heaven when I die, I needed to ask Jesus into my heart to take my sin away. Salvation is not a decision we make in our head. It is one that comes from the heart!

God’s forgiveness is free to all who ask.But we must ask.It is As simple as ABC. Admit that you have done wrong (sinned). Believe that Jesus died on that cross for your sins. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is God. And believe in your heart that He can take away your sins and be your Lord! Just as present is not yours until you receive (open) it, so salvation is the same. Waiting to be accepted. Thank you God for saving me!!

Romans 10:9 King James Version  

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Ephesians 2:1-9

And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;
Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)
And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.

My favorite hymn is:


My Jesus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine;
For Thee all the follies of sin I resign;
My gracious Redeemer, my Savior art Thou;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

I love Thee because Thou hast first loved me,
And purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree;
I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow;
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

I’ll love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death,
And praise Thee as long as Thou lendest me breath;
And say when the death dew lies cold on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

In mansions of glory and endless delight,
I’ll ever adore Thee in heaven so bright;
I’ll sing with the glittering crown on my brow,
If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis now.

Long before I loved Jesus, he loved me.

John 3:16 King James Version 

 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Do you love Jesus? Have you ask him to forgive your sins and save you? You can right now, where ever you are, just pray and give your life to Him. You won’t be sorry.

Please share this with anyone who needs Jesus! By the way, we ALL need Jesus! If you have asked Jesus please leave a comment, and give God all the glory!