George, Terrie, Heather, Josh, Angel, Daniel

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Are you planning? March 2017

As a home school mom I am a planner. I actually LOVE to plan. To me planning is half the fun of actually doing. Getting ready for vacation, a new school year, a party, or family get together is always exciting. Pick a theme, try new recipes, pack, research or whatever leads up to the event is part of the fun. I do procrastinate too at times but it goes against my nature. I do admire spur of the moment people and we all need to be more flexible at times.

How do you plan? To do lists, bullet journals,happy planners,management binders,digital apps,calendars, and on and on and on!!! I love them all. LOL. I like things fun ad creative too, scrap booking, stamping, doodling,clip art...........

I am trying to be more organized and more "clutter free" in 2017, Last year I put together some Home Management binders and have been pleased with the results. Mine are simple  school type 1 or 2 inch 3 ring binders designated to certain areas. I have a medical binder, bank binder, home management binder, and address/holiday binder Each binder contains  the information needed for our family and  is clearly set up so any family member can go to these binders and get the information needed with out mom having to go get it for everyone. This is a great help during an emergency like a hospital stay or the loss of a wallet while on vacation. Information and phone numbers that may be needed can be accessed and relayed easily.

I also have my school calendar binder with home school logs,schedules, etc. This helps to see at a glance how our school year is going and what has been accomplished as well as field trips, reading logs, test results, etc. Another binder I want to do is a Blessings Binder, but I may incorporate that into my daily journal.

With the busy days we lead I also need a too do list. I don't always use one, but I need too. I read that it actually helps with brain fatigue if you write it down. Once written down your brain doesn't have to "worry" about trying not to forget to do it.Meal planning and even clothes organization (putting outfits together) help with brain fatigue-so I hear, I haven't gotten that far yet.

I want to put together a notebook for my Daily Journal". I want it to be a combination of a to do list,bullet journal,planner. Their are some neat you tube videos on these , You can get as  creative or simple as you want. It can be done with any notebook of your choosing, something you already have. It is not something that you have to go out and buy. Use what you have! If you want a creative touch dig out the gel pens, stickers, card stock etc.

As I am working to put mine together, I would love to hear from you. What kind of planner do you use? What works or doesn't  for you? Did it help you?  Please leave me a comment with you thoughts!

Happy Planning!


  1. We decided to start using Cortana(microsofts version of siri or alexa) for planning and lists.

    -The Marvin
