Many people use a GPS. Some times they lead you astray. As Christians the Bible is our GPS. When we are at the crossroads trying to figure out which way to go use your Bible. It will NEVER lead you astray!
This week my husband, son, and I made a hospital visit to try to be a blessing to someone. Hospital visits are never in our daily schedule. They are not usually on our to do list. They interfere in the plan, and take time.
Maybe the first thing on our to do list should be to be a blessing. Maybe we would look at our day differently. Instead of seeing things as an interruption, maybe we would see them as an opportunity to be a blessing. We are all busy, our lives are full, but are we a blessing to others? I am speaking to myself here. I get wrapped up in my lesson plans and "things" I need to do. But the most important "things" in life are NOT "things".
I think back many years ago to another hospital visit we made, taking our kids with us, so they could learn to love and care about the needs of others. I came away from that visit feeling so blessed. I had went to be a blessing, but I was the one blessed. I had that same feeling this week as my husband and son and I went to visit a friend in the hospital. I lectured my son on the way in about how we needed to be a blessing to others.
As we left both these visits, many years apart, I realized I had received a blessing. This week I listened to my son pray for the person we had visited with true concern. Again "I" was blessed.
So when we are at the crossroads, making a decision, think about what God would want us to do. Maybe we should think" WWJD" more often, I know I should.
This song sums up my thoughts:
Are you standing
At a crossroad
Wondering which road you should take
And you're dreading
The decision
And a possible mistake
But the will of God won't lead you
Where the grace of God can't keep you
You will never be out of His care
Remember that the Lord's already there
Wherever you are
Wherever you're going
God is right there beside you
Seeing and knowing
Wherever you go
He already knows
What lies ahead and what's behind
You'll always find He's never too far
From wherever you are
You are waiting
To hear thunder
And see lightening in the sky
Oh, but God can
Work His wonders
Through a still small voice inside
Just keep listening and learning
And continue on your journey
Following the One who is the way
He's the only road you need to take
At a crossroad
Wondering which road you should take
And you're dreading
The decision
And a possible mistake
But the will of God won't lead you
Where the grace of God can't keep you
You will never be out of His care
Remember that the Lord's already there
Wherever you are
Wherever you're going
God is right there beside you
Seeing and knowing
Wherever you go
He already knows
What lies ahead and what's behind
You'll always find He's never too far
From wherever you are
You are waiting
To hear thunder
And see lightening in the sky
Oh, but God can
Work His wonders
Through a still small voice inside
Just keep listening and learning
And continue on your journey
Following the One who is the way
He's the only road you need to take
So true! I needed this today