George, Terrie, Heather, Josh, Angel, Daniel

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Feb.9th, 2017 PRONE TO WANDER


It is so easy to get discouraged. I tend to be an optimist, the glass is half FULL! But days come when it is so easy to fall prey to discouragement and self pity. I hate self pity, but I am only human. Yesterday was one of those days.I love the Lord and I love my family. I am so thankful for all the blessings I have. I don’t like to complain and spend a lot in our home school teaching about it! The Isrealites are mentioned often at our home school table.

Many of you know that I have been having repeated health problems over the last couple of years. I generally try not to let these hurdles get me down. I feel guilty when I hear of others who have it so much worse. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit reminding me that God is in control even when my heart is prone to wander from the God I love, O for grace to trust Him more!

The hymn describes it:

Come thou fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise

teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above

praise the Mount I'm fixed upon it
Mount of Thy redeeming love

Here I raise my Ebenezer
Hither by Thy help I come
and I hope by Thy good pleasure
Safely to arrive at home

Jesus, sought me when a stranger
Wondering from the fold of God
He, to rescue me from danger
Interposed His precious blood

So to grace, how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be
And let Thy goodness like a fetter
Bind my wandering heart to Thee

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
Prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above

Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above

So when you get discouraged know that it is okay, but don’t stay there too long. Tis so sweet to trust in JESUS!

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