George, Terrie, Heather, Josh, Angel, Daniel

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

ADHD part 2

ADHD part 2

How can a child who constantly makes noise and is told a hundred times a day to “use your INSIDE voice” be bothered by a tiny buzzing? I can’t understand the constant distractions that go on in a child’s mind with special needs. Their inability to focus one minute and the the next minute they are so focused on something that they don’t hear your voice. Truly they are wired different.

I can’t understand but I can be compassionate. I can make a choice to be aware of their needs and be kind. I can be my child’s advocate against a world that is cruel and wants to fit them in the mold. I get tired and frustrated many times dealing with my child’s needs. But they are his NEEDS. Just a s a diabetic cannot control the fact that he has diabetes, neither can a child with ADHD, Aspherges, Austism, etc. control their disability.

It is not their fault. It is not my fault as a parent. It is not a discipline issue! My advice is to research your child’s disability. Find a doctor you can trust to trust you as the caregiver. But most of all trust your gut. You are the child’s parent and you know how and when they learn best. You will find some friends and family members to help and encourage you but many of them will not understand! Your child does not have to fit the mold. They are fearfully and wonderfully made by God and He makes no mistakes!

I ask my son who is 11 to vacuum and he went and put on noise canceling head phones before he did. OK? The vacuum is not near as loud as he is? We have know idea of the simple things that bombard their brains. Little things that make them uncomfortable and scared.

This BBC video is so simple but speaks volumes. Please watch and be encouraged!

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