George, Terrie, Heather, Josh, Angel, Daniel

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Dear Birth Mother Feb. 21, 2017

Dear Birth Mother,

Today is my oldest son’s 22nd birthday. As all moms do, I think back to the day he was born. What a wonderful blessing from God.You were prayed for and loved long before you were conceived. He is such a wonderful young man who loves God and is secure in who he is! He is a blessing to so many.

All children are gifts from god, but there is something special about the gift of adoption. I look at my four children, from four different birth mothers and I can see how God put us together. My children look more alike than many biological siblings!

Today I want to thank all birth mothers and birth fathers out there. You will probably never know the joy you have brought to others.Abortion is easy, adoption is hard. But you loved enough to give. By giving a child life you gave hope and joy to many who would other wise not know what it is to be a parent. Only those who have longed for a baby know what a special gift this is.

To the four special birth mother’s who were part of our adoptions I would like to say, we love you!
I want to thank you for being part of God’s plan to make me a mom, the biggest blessing of my life! Their are not enough words to describe the extraordinary gift you have given us!

To those thinking about adopting, do it! I am working on a book about our adoption experiences. Adoption  is the most wonderful thing a person can experience from all sides. What a blessing to love and be loved! Trust God to give you children.

Just as some pregnancies end in miscarriage, some adoptions fall through. Both bring heartaches. But look at how most pregnancies/adoptions turn out! The overflowing bliss of parenthood is mine. Thank you God, Thank you birth parents!

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